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When the Unexpected Happens at Work


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Sessums Law Group is proud to stand for clients when the unexpected comes their way. We often put out information regarding legal representation for those injured or killed in various types of roadway accidents including driver negligence, driving under the influence, big rig trucks, etc. We also work with individuals and families who have unexpected loss in their lives due to a separation or divorce and/or custody of their children. However, the unexpected can hit in another place that doesn’t get as much attention.

You can get hurt at work, and many people do. However, it isn’t always discussed openly, and therefore, many employees don’t know that they have the right to compensation in some of these cases. What are some of the most common types of accidents you might encounter in the workplace?

Driving the Company Car 

If you are injured in an accident while driving or riding in the company vehicle, it’s actually a work-related incident, and will be covered as such. While a collision in your own car would be dealt with by your auto policy and related coverage, the company car means your accident will be handled as employee injury. That means you could be eligible for compensation to cover expenses related to medical needs, mental stress, etc. in addition to assistance with finances if you are left unable to work.

An Accident on Site 

If you have been injured on site at work, this also leaves you eligible for compensation in many circumstances. These types of accidents can come in a variety of forms, but the key is that they occur on company property, and therefore fall under the company’s insurance policy. Again, just like the company car accident, you could receive help for medical expenses, income assistance, etc., especially if your injury was the direct result of negligence on the part of your employer for failure to provide safe work conditions.

Long-Term Exposure Injuries

Some work-related issues don’t happen suddenly, but rather, they are a drawn out process that leave their victims unknowingly injured until it’s too late. Problems in certain work environments (being exposed to harmful chemicals and poor air quality) that are not disclosed as a risk to employees can leave companies responsible for any related health issues. This is still a form of negligence on behalf of your employer, and therefore, you should receive help.

If you or someone you love feels they have been injured in a work-related accident and have failed to receive any type of support or assistance from their employer, Sessums Law Group is ready to help. WE STAND FOR YOU, and will make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

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