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When Sole Custody Is Best: How to Become Your Child’s Primary Parent


Custody Lawyer Tampa | Sessums Law Group

In a divorce situation where children are involved, custody issues can take a toll on the entire family. While the parents might be choosing to no longer remain in a relationship with one another, they are (usually) very much involved with their children and desire to keep strong ties with them through involvement in their daily activities and routines. In these cases, having legal quality representation is key, since lawyers on both sides can evaluate the family’s unique circumstances and determine exactly what setup is best for each parent and for the children.

However, some divorce cases involve a parent that is requesting sole custody of their children. While sometimes this is done only to cause pain and be upsetting to their former spouse, other times it is truly for the concern of their children and is done with their best interest in mind. In these situations, your attorney will help counsel you on how to maintain a lifestyle that will be most likely to earn the sole custody status you desire.

So, what factors might go into to determining you being the primary parent of your kids?

  • History: If your family’s documented history shows a continued cycle of harmful behavior from the other parent, their lack of involvement in the lives of their children, or other issues that a judge would see as a negative influence, your former spouse will likely be denied custody. In this same way though, if you desire sole custody you must show a history of being a supportive, loving parent, and evidence that you are actively involved in every aspect of your child’s life.
  • Stability: A key point in determining if one parent or the other deserves sole custody is the stability of life they can offer the children. A steady job and income, suitable housing and home environment, proper nutrition and medical care, etc. are all important in making sure your kids are taken care of in the best way possible. If one parent can provide this, but the other cannot, a judge will likely rule in favor of putting the children in the more stable environment.
  • Legal representation: Sometimes it really does come down to who you have standing in your corner. In a custody battle, even a parent that is not fit for custody of their children could end up earning at least partial custody with them only because of their representation in court. Choosing a lawyer that is experienced in family law, and is prepared to stand alongside you through the long process of winning custody of your kids is vital to the end result.

If you are preparing for a custody case, and are seeking representation in the greater Tampa Bay area, Sessums Law Group is here for you. We are experienced in all aspects of family law, and our goal is to support you in making sure your children are in the best situation possible. We know you never expect to end up fighting for the right to parent your children, but when the unexpected happens, WE STAND FOR YOU!

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