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Self Care: During and Following Your Divorce


Self Care: During and Following Your Divorce

It’s no secret that going through a divorce is difficult and stressful both emotionally and physically. Lack of sleep (thanks to the stress, usually), serving as one parent, running the necessary errands to keep up with divorce paperwork and meetings with your legal team, etc. can all lead to some serious long-term effects on your overall health if you aren’t careful. Additionally, the period after your divorce can have many of the same issues, and within a few years time, you could have done serious damage to your mind and body.

We believe self-care is important during and following a divorce, and we like to encourage our clients to take care of themselves during this difficult period in life. How can you better nurture yourself while still keeping up with the demands of a divorce process?

  • Surround yourself with support. When you divorce, you are essentially losing your life-partner. While divorce usually means you weren’t necessarily in a close, loving relationship any longer, it is difficult when you suddenly have all of the responsibility in your household on you. For those who have children in the picture, this is an even greater burden to bear. Surrounding yourself with outside support to help mitigate the loss of your spouse is a huge help in the midst of a divorce and in the time afterwards. Don’t be afraid to ask family, friends, and neighbors to chip in and lend a hand with housework, childcare, or even walking the dog. You’ll find that, more often than not, they’ll be happy to help you.
  • Take time for you. While responsibilities tend to pile up during a divorce, it’s vital that you step away from them to take time for YOU. Whether it’s going out for a cup of coffee and a walk alone, or a weekend getaway with a friend, taking time for yourself will do wonders for your health, both mentally and physically. Use the time for rest, reflection, and refreshment. Your body, and those around you, will thank you.
  • Invest in yourself. This is closely linked to the above tip. While we know finances can be tight during a divorce, allow yourself to do things that improve your personal well-being. Massage, a chiropractic visit, a therapist, etc. are all beneficial during times of high-stress and can help mitigate some of the health issues that come along with being in a mentally taxing situation.

Don’t let your divorce do further damage by wearing down your body and mind. Take care of yourself, and make sure you’re ready to live life to its fullest following your divorce. Another important factor in a less stressful divorce process is being able to trust your legal team. When Tampa Bay residents choose Sessums Law Group to represent them in their case, they know they are getting the very best. When you’re struggling, your representation and court presence won’t suffer. Allow us to make your divorce as easy as possible because WE STAND FOR YOU!

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