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In the Car for Christmas: Tips to Know for Your Holiday Travels

Car driving on snowy road

As Polk County families pack up and plan to head to destinations both near and far for Christmas this weekend, we can’t help but wonder how prepared they actually are as they hit the road. While driving to one’s intended end-point is pretty simple thanks to modern day inventions such as the GPS systems made into most cars now, and tracking and GPS options on cell phones, actually enduring a lengthy road trip, especially if you have small children, can be taxing at best.

So, how can you prepare ahead for your travels this Christmas?

First, consider during what time of the day you’ll be driving. If you will be doing most of your driving early in the day, it might be a good idea to pack up some entertainment (small toys, movies on a tablet, books, etc.) for any child, or fidgety adult, passengers. Since earlier parts of the day don’t lend themselves to naps very often, having things to keep your passengers of all ages quiet and content will make a drive more pleasant for everyone. If you are driving at night, however, there are some additional ways you need to prepare. Be sure you get plenty of sleep the day prior, so you’re well-rested for the journey. For little passengers, pajamas or comfy lounge attire might be your best choice, and throwing a favorite blanket or stuffed animal into the vehicle with them could be a great way to encourage sleep while you drive. Cranky, crying kids is not only a headache, but can also be very distracting to a driver, so do your best to keep a quiet environment during your trip.

Secondly, plan out your stops ahead of time. While there will likely be a handful of unplanned bathroom breaks required, know where rest areas are located along your route, and mark them on your map, or on your phone’s GPS if possible. Also research exits along the way that might have a good variety of food choices and places to fill up with gas. Note these for meal times or for extended breaks. By planning out this type of loose “schedule” you’ll feel more in control of your trip instead of being left to the mercy of what pops up at the next exit when everyone is hungry, tired, and ready to get out of the car.

Finally, prepare for the unexpected. Stock your car with a flashlight, extra batteries, bottled water, some non-perishable snacks, and a blanket or two. A first aid kit is also a much-needed addition to your prep-package. It’s a good idea to have your car checked over before hitting the road, and make sure your spare tire is in good shape and ready if the need arises. If a flat tire, break-down, or accident happens to you, it will still be problematic, but at least by preparing ahead of time you’ll have basic necessities covered until you can get help. Also be mindful of keeping doors and windows locked when you make stops, and be aware of your surroundings at all time since Christmas is a popular time for carjacking and theft due to all the Christmas shopping funds and gifts being stored in traveling vehicles. Never leave cash or expensive items in plain view in an unoccupied car (cover them with something, or place them in your trunk).

When the unexpected does happen, Sessums Law Group is ready to help you deal with the aftermath. If you are in an accident and are failing to receive the compensation you might deserve as a result, we will assist you in navigating the confusing waters of case details, going to court, and fighting for yourself and your family. We serve the greater Lakeland, Sebring, and Sarasota area, and WE STAND FOR YOU!

Have a Merry (and safe) Christmas, and happy travels from Sessums Law Group!

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